1. When I was 18, and living back at home, I weekly told my parents I was sleeping at my best friend's house, when I was really at my boyfriends. My boyfriend has now become my hubby, so I guess it all worked out.
2. When I was in high school, I called my mom (completely drunk) to say I was too tired to drive home so I was staying at a friend's house. I ended up sleeping on the office floor of Motel 6 where my brother worked after he picked me up. Industrial washing machines on the spin cycle are no fun when you're drunk.
3. For my son's 4th birthday, we let him get a kitten from my parents. She was awful, and obnoxious. We lied and explained how unhappy she was without her family and took her back a day or so later.
4. I hate when people ask me what I think of their recent hair cuts or other changes, so I know I've lied plenty of times, telling them how great they looked.
5. I've told hubby I'm sick when he's going away with his family when I'm really fine. I would much rather stay home and do my own thing!
6. Today, when work called me to work all weekend, I may have stretched the truth a bit. I really am sick, mostly sniffly and a generalized miserable. But I made it seem a bit worse so they wouldn't guilt me into covering everyone else's shifts.
Omg #5 , I use to do that also I just wanted to stay home and do my own thing also !
I'm with you on number four. Do they even want to hear the truth?
OmGosh, I think we could have the same list! loL!
LoL @ number 5! I love it! :)
My Small Talk Six
LOL number 5 is exactly something I would do.
I love it! #5 is something I struggle with, not so much telling my husband I'm sick, but I have him tell his family I am sick so I don't have to go. How funny!
#5... so true. I tend to blame things on my kids pretend colds as well. Maybe not to hubby - but others! This was a very interesting week!
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I'm guilty of #5 as well. Great list!
I would totally do #5. I would love to have a day (or even a few hours) to do what I wanted.
I use to do #6 when I worked. I never got sick, so if I didn't lie all those sick days would have been wasted!
I am so with you on #4. Have a great weekend.
HaHa! Cool list. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like to spend time with the In-Laws.
Yes...I sooo did #1 and still couldn't put it on my list because I didn't want my parents seeing it still...lol and #5 is soooo true!My Hubby has wonderful in laws...{{giggles}}
Oops, your folks don't read this, do they?!
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